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Domain Registration & Web Hosting

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Domain Registration & Web Hosting

Web Hosting and Domain Registration are two elements of running a website.Domain registration is of prime concern for any enterprise aiming to tap the immense potential of the web through a website . We, at Geetansi Infotech, strive to a better domain to our clients for their web identity. We provide affordable services with no hidden costs.

What We Offer:

We provide honest services and earn the trust of our clients. We provide affordable services with no hidden costs. Our transparent service policy encourages clients to entrust us with the responsibility of establishing their online identity.

Domain Registration:
Domain registration is of prime concern for any enterprise aiming to tap the immense potential of the web through a website.We, one of the highest rated domain name providers in India, caters all domain related concerns of clients. We help them achieve their business objectives without spending a large amount of money, which separates us from other registrars. We provide you the facility to:

-Transfer and register your domain
-Round the clock assistance in case of any issue
-Check the availability of the desired domain name

Domain Extension:
You had rather limited options in domain extensions just a few years ago. With Us, you get access to a host of TLDs including .biz, .in, .org, .me, .info, .net, .global and the ever popular .com. While we offer all widely preferred choices, we also let you choose your custom TLD in the New gTLDs section.

Web Hosting:
Vast expertise in website management and world-class infrastructure has made our webhosting platform invariably the most reliable one available.We offers a comprehensive spectrum of hosting services, including:

-Linux hosting
-Windows hosting
-WordPress hosting
-Joomla hosting
-E-commerce hosting
-Reseller hosting

Our domain hosting services ensure optimal performance of your website.Our exposure to a variety of client needs and unmatched technology to our aid make us stand apart from other hosting providers.